Wednesday, March 9, 2011


i am a fan of nicknames, and everyone who has come thru child care has earned their own nickname, or names, as the case may be. even some of the grown-ups have nicknames... here is a list for you--please post ones i have forgotten in the comments:
Katie--- "Pookie"
Katie---my daughter Katie--- "Big Katie" (to pookie's "little Katie")  "Kay-kee"
Johnny--- "Yah-yah", "Taco Boy"
Sean-- Johnny used to call him "Ga-gee"
Hannah--- "Hannah-Banana",  "Hannah-Montana"
Ella--- "Ella-bella-bing-bong"
Leah--- "Lee-lee-bada-bing" "Leah-bo-beah"
Jack--- "Jack-jack"
Van--- "Vannie" "Van-man" "Fireman Van" "Policeman Van"
Nell--- "Noonie" (a nickname from home we adopted) "Noonie balloonie" "Nell-Belle"
Anne--- "mamma-jamma"
Chloe-- "Chloers"  "Chloe-DIYanne"
Mason--- "May-may" "Buddy-bud"
Kimmie--- "Kimmers" "Timmers"
Luke-- "Lukers" "Mr Lukers" "lukey-duke"
Jenny--- "Gee-gee"
Gideon--- "Piddy-in-the-peent-milt" "Geh-din-din"
Marisa-- "Miss-misa"
Bess--- "Bessie-boo-boo"
Sean--- again--- "bay-ball" (mason went thru a phase where he would only call sean "bay-ball")
Becca--- "beeeeeka"
Cooper--- "Coop" "Coop-a-doop" "Cooper duper"
Kate--- "Katie K"
Delaney--- "Lanie"  "Winnie" 

other kids who i do not have permission to name by name have been called "-----Bulia" "Grace" "Charlie"
 "-----bo-berra-peanut" "-----bo-berra-peanut-butter-and-jelly" "Frank" "Wibiss" "Day-day"

1 comment:

  1. Why don't I have any nicknames? Did you forget about me? :-(

    I was "Big Katie" to Pookie's "Little Katie" and someone called me "Kaykee" I seem to remember...
